2472 Glasses by Lindberg. Temple Color: 05, 10, 107, 109, 113, 115, 117, 127, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 70, 75, 77, 80, 85, 90, 95, EE05, EEU13, EEU16, EEU9, GT, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U33, U34, U38, U9, Temple Design: 700, 714, Basic, Size: 58-22-145. Classic titanium frames are universally loved for their timeless style and diversity. The 2472 frame from the LINDBERG Spirit Titanium Collection cultivates innovative design and minimalistic aesthetics. Made with the brand's signature durable, flexible and ultra-lightweight titanium, the glasses provide a remarkable comfort and perfect fit.